Welcome to
East London JKA Karate Club


October 6th, 2014

Dear all

Just a short note to update everyone on the upcoming events that will affect the Club and its Students/ Instructors in the next few weeks. Our first event is the Inter Club Championship on Saturday 11th October. We would like all students with licenses to take part as this is a very good platform to future grading.

We need your name, license details (number and date of expire), age on the day, current grade, this to be done ASAP…latest Wednesday 8th. You may text us on 07906 020 950 with the details. Details are needed to put you in the correct group for the competition rounds. License must be in date for competition. Fee can be paid on the day to the coach, £10 for both KATA & KUMITE.

We apologise to everyone as this year we simply were not able to organise ourselves as we have done in the past, unfortunately we have been very busy and thus we were unable to delegate the work that was needed.. VERY FEW STUDENTS HAVE GIVEN THEIR NAMES SO FAR, WE NEED MORE NAMES TO MAKE THIS COMPETITION A SUCCESS…

Our second event will be the National Shotokan Open Championship (1st November), were designated students will receive a letter confirming their place as Club squad members…Again we are tight on time and need an answer as fast as you can ,once you receive your letter. We have to send our Club squad list by the 17th , this is a deadline if we miss it we miss the Championships. £20 for KATA & KUMITE.

Lastly our final grading for 2014 will be on Sunday the 7th December with Ohta Sensei (venue to be confirmed), all students successful in their assessment will be notified closer to the date, please note that after grading there will be an end of year club presentation which all need to attend.

Please support all club activities by participating with the events whenever possible, volunteer with the Club and help out, come and support training with the examiners, compete and gain invaluable experience.

We need more students so please try and recruit friends neighbours anyone you can think of, we have this year experienced a drop in the student intake for the first time, this has an impact as students move and are not replaced, it also means less activities for everyone.

Thank you for your time  in reading this and your understanding.

Club Committee