Welcome to
East London JKA Karate Club
Happy New Year Parents
January 2nd, 2024
Congratulations to our newest Black belts
December 5th, 2023
Jka Open K@ Crawley Oct 28 Result
November 18th, 2023The Jka Open had 500 competitors this year so it was a very busy day. The day was split into two sessions. The first session was for all grades to purpled white and the second session was for the Brown and Black belts. The club would like to say Well done to all squad members, I note that a few you were under the weather but still gave it your all. You all did amazing and put in a lot of effort we are all proud of each and everyone of you. It was a very tough competition so I hope you all learned something. We managed to bring home a couple of medals for our efforts. I have post a few images from the day below . FYI we have additional images on the app.

Yahya 🥉kumite
Claire 🥉 kumite
Claire 4th Place – kata

JKA South Regional Competition 1st October
October 3rd, 2023Location:- Bromley South Landon
Firstly Well done to all the East London JKA squad members for which this was first Competition for some of you. There was over 190 entries for all categories The day was split between low grades in the morning session and higher grades in the afternoon session
The most important aspect of the day is that each competitor learned from the experience regardless of their individual results
Squad Results
Advika – 🥉Kata / 🥉 Kumite
Maira – 🥉 Kumite
Aaron – 🥉 Kumite
Isa – 🥉 Kumite
Blake – 🥇kumite
Elle – 🥇Kumite / 🥉Team kata
Charlie – 🥉 Team kata
Denisa – 🥉 Team kata
Thira – 🥉kumite
September Update
September 1st, 2023All Members we have been invited to take part in JKA London and South East Regional Championships will take place on Sunday 1st October 2023.
Location : -Bromley College, Life Centre Bromley College
Sport Hall Rookery Lane, Bromley BR2 8HE
Referee and Timekeepers meeting: 9:15am
Championship start time: 10:00am
Refreshments and hot drinks are available on site, but a packed lunch is recommended
If you wish to take part please contact Sensei Brian or Clarie to let them know
Our new Website & Club registration
June 26th, 2023
Little Tigers Karate for 4 & 5 years, staring Saturday July 15th 9 AM main Hall Newham Leisure centre
June 23rd, 2023
June Update
May 30th, 2023We hope you have enjoyed the 3 Bank holidays we had in May.
For those of you who are thinking they are ready to Grade on July 8th, We would advise that you attending as many training session as possible to ensure your are accessed.
JKA England National Championships at the K2 Crawley 17th June, get you entries in ASAP
New Students to the club, can i ask you to arrange your JKA License ASAP
March Update
March 7th, 2023We are please to announce that one of our long standing students has recently passed in Shodan grading . Well Done Yunus.
Our Students have recently had the opportunity to congratulate him on his achievement .
The Last Post of the 2022
December 25th, 2022Merry Christmas & Happy New year to all students and families.
Firstly welcome to our new students from all 3 of our training location we hope you have been encouraged to train hard in order to fulfil your full potential.
In May with congratulated Elle Behari 11 years on her Shodan pass along with Sensei Claire and Mcvin with Nidan grading pass. Image
In October we took a small squad to the JKA open competition images
In November a number of student attended the JKAE International winter course @ K2 Crawley, We would also like to congratulation to Sensei Claire on her completion of the JKA Coaching Test which by all reports was a very hard test for all taking part.
In early December the club was invited to attend and provide a demonstration of karate to at the Rainham Christmas Fayre 3rd Dec, I would like thank Joe, Elle, Neha and Andrew with their participation on the day we think it went well considering the constraints of the location. Images from the afternoon
Our Winter Grading with Stratford Karate on Sunday 11th December With examiner Otha Sensei 7th Dan JKA England Chief instructor. We had two training & grading session to accommodate the number of students wishing to grade on the day. Otha Sensei was happy with the organisation of the days sessions and was happy with the overall karateka standard of both clubs.
Looking forward for 2023, I think the club has 7-8 students with 1st Kyu grades, I would advise all of you to attend as many JKA courses as possible before attempting your Shodan Grading.
Club Kyu grading dates for your 2023 calendar
All dates will have 2 sessions to accommodate the number of student applicable to grade on the dates.
- Session 1 Beginner to Yellow belt
- Session 2 Green to Brown belt.
Saturday 18 March 9:30 AM – 4 PM
Saturday 8th July 10:00 AM – 4 PM
Sunday 10th December 10:00 AM – 4 PM
29 Oct 2022 K2 Competition results
November 4th, 2022Results
Open Championships 2022 Results from our small group
- Blake – Kata 🥇Kumite 🥉
- Mili – Kata Semi Finals, Kumite Semi Finals
- Yunus – kata 2nd Round; Kumite 🥉
Well done to everyone who compete today. The categories were tough, but all our students gave 110% and did the Club proud.
Special mention to Mili who compete for the 1st time and a tough category to boot (brown and Black belts)
Blake Tekki Shodan
Blake Bassi Dai
Mill Kata Bassi Dai
Yunus Tekki Shodan

Yunus Kumite

Mili in her first every Kumite match
May 2022 Black belts with JKA Certificates
September 15th, 2022
September Update
September 15th, 2022Sunday, 2 October 11:00 JKAE Instructors Course – Hatfield
Ist Kyu and above 18years and above can attend this course
Saturday, 29 October 10:00 JKAE Open Championships – K2 Crawley
Orange belts and above can take part in the competition, please contact sensei ASAP
International Course and Dan Grading
Friday, 2 December 2022 17:00 JKAE International Course and Dan Grading – K2 Crawley
Saturday, 3 December 2022 JKAE International Course and Dan Grading – K2 Crawley
Sunday, 4 December 2022 » 18:00 JKAE International Course and Dan Grading – K2 Crawley
This course is open to all grades I would suggest that Green belts and above to attend a Saturday or Sunday lesson
Ist Kyu you need to have completed to course before attempting your black belt.
I would advise that 1st kyu should attend the Sunday lesson and then stay behind to watch the Dan grading.
Club grading Sunday 11th December at Castle Green Leisure Center this will be an earlier start 930 AM, further details to follow
June 2022JKA England National competition club acheivment
June 18th, 2022Well done to all of our competitors today representing the club, for some of you it was the first time at a JKA competition event, please remember Karate is the practise of continuous improvement of oneself. for which I note a couple of you have improved since your last attempt, so if you were not lucky enough to progress this time, then hopefully next time you will get a bit further, never stop trying to improving yourself.
!!!!!!! Congratulations !!!!!!!
Blake (Boys age 6-9)Kata Kumite
Elle (Girls age 10-12)Kata Kumite
Denisa (girls 13-15)Kumite
Yunus (Male age 19-39)Kata Kumite
Claire (Female age 40+)Kata (final) 4th Place Kumite (Qtr Final)
Lilly (Female age 16-18)Kumite (semi final)
Andrew (Male age 40+ Brown & black Belt )Kata (round 2)
Anis and Melissa participated for the first time in children Kumite
New Black belts for May 2022
May 14th, 2022
We are happy to announce that we have 3 new black belts who attained the required level at the JKA International Course at The K2 Crawley, Elle 11 years achieved Shodan, Mcvin 2nd Dan & Claire 2nd Dan. congratulations.
Legends Bracknell Results
March 27th, 2022Well done to all of the team that took part in the Legends competition in Bracknell Saturday 26 March
Blake: 🥈 Juniors Kumite
Lily: 🥈Ladies Team Kumite
Salmaan mens : 🥇Kumite Nasir 🥈Kumite Mens
Denisa: 🥉 Girls Kumite
Claire: 🥈 Kata🥉 Kumite 🥈 Team Kumite
Gina:🥉Kata 🥈Kumite 🥈 Team Kumite

Neha & Denisa competing for 3rd place individual Kumite.
Lilly on the left in mixed Kata competition
Blake on his way to 2nd place kumite
April Event Dates & Closures
March 11th, 2022Please take note of the following dates
The club will be Closed for short period directly after the Grading event 2nd April at all of its training locations. Our first lesson back will be Monday 11th April @ Given Wilson Institute
Monday 18th (Bank Holiday Monday) please contact sensei if you wish to train otherwise the lesson will be cancelled from the booking site.
April 30th JKA K2 International Course all students are welcome to attend. please note both locations will be closed on Saturday April 30th
April 2nd Grading Event
March 11th, 2022
January 2022 update
January 8th, 2022We are open at all locations
Please note there will be no Lessons on Saturday 29 Jan as Sensei will be at the JKA England AGM in Nottingham.
Please update you calendar’s for this year’s Grading dates below
2nd April 2022 from 9 45 AM until 4 pm
16th July 2022 from 9 45 AM until 4 pm
11th December 2022 from 9 45 – 3:30 pm
Finally 1st Kyu thinking of grading this year I would advised you to look at the JKA calendar to work when you think you will be ready to Grade. Set your goals!!!
Dan Grading
When Sun, 27 February, 11:00 – 17:00
JKAE National Course and Dan Grading – Guildford Spectrum
Where : Guildford Spectrum, Parkway, Guildford GU1 1UP, UK
Description : 11am-1pm Training, 2pm-5pm Dan Grading
Autumn Grading Event
December 13th, 2021Well done to all student that took part In the grading event yesterday, with special congratulation and well done to Salmaan, for attaining a double grade.
Autumn Grading event Castle Green Leisure center, With JKA England Chief Instructor Sensei Otha.

Winter Grading 2021
November 18th, 2021
JKAEngland National Course
November 5th, 2021Tickets now on sale for the JKA England National Course & Dan Grading! Pre-purchase only, no cash on the day 4th December 2021 @ K2 Crawley Training 11am-1pm; Grading 2-6pm
This course is open to all grades.
- Training Course 11am-1pm Cost: £15 (tickets MUST be purchased online)
- Dan grading from 2pm to 6pm Details below
LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION: Saturday 27 November 2021
Dan Registration: 9:30am-10:30am All JKA England members who intend to attempt their Dan Exam must fill in on line registration from please contact Sensei.
COACHING LICENCE test available LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION: Saturday 27 November 2021
Congratulations to our club participates and medallists at the 2021 JKA England Open Championships Competition
October 31st, 2021
Well done and thank you to all club participates, parent and coaches that attended the JKA England Open Championships Competition at the K2 Crawley yesterday.
Congratulation to Salmaan, Blake and Denisa for medalling yesterday morning you are inspirations to all our club members. Special Well done to Lilly taking part in kumite for first time as a Brown belt.

September Restart Update
September 1st, 2021Parents Guardians please updated your calendars with the following dates
Saturday 30 October JKAE Open Championships – K2 Crawley
JKA England 1 day National course and Dan grading Saturday 4th December –K2 Crawley
Updated Club Grading 11th December with JKA England Chief instructor Sensei Otha 7th Dan, Castle Green Leisure Center , Gale Street, RM9 4UN
We are back at Newham Leisure Center on Saturday Mornings 11am – 12:30 in the Main hall courts 1&2 Our First lesson September 11th
August 31st, 2021
Welcome back from your summer break
August 17th, 2021
July Update
July 2nd, 2021Congratulations to Benjamin and Sensei Aaron who both passed their respective Dan Grading in a covid safe JKA England Grading event at Hatfield University on Sunday the 27 June, Benjamin passed his Shodan and Sensei Aaron passed his San Dan.
This Summer Training and Club Grading event is Saturday 31st July at Castle Green Leisure center Dagenham, with our Grading assessments taking place for first two weeks of July last date for an assessment will be Saturday 17 July. Please contact Sensei Brian for further details.
June Update
June 6th, 2021Welcome to our new students that joined the club in May
Given Wilson Location, we have added a second lesson on Saturday mornings reminder to book your lesson in advance to ensure you have a space
We made some changes to the class passes for students that would like to do 2 lesson per week or families that want to train together.
On the 31st July, we will be holding a Grading event at Castle Green Leisure center in Dagenham , all club members who are eligible to grade should have an in date JKA England license
Please be advised that the Newham leisure center location (Saturday’s) is not welcoming clubs until September 2021
May Update
May 7th, 2021As we look forward to welcoming back our adults students into all our DOJO’s as of the Monday 17th May. We want to remind everyone that we are still using the booking system, so please book in-advance to ensure a place and to avoid any disappointments. As we want to ensure that all our students have a pleasant training experience. If by chance you are unable to book into a particular lesson, then please add your self to the waiting list so that we are made aware. It should be noted that we expect the first two lesson on the Mondays to be busy as of the 17 May.
Friday Evening training will restart as of Friday 21st May at Saint Thomas Church, RM8 2JN, all Grades welcome start 7 PM for 1 Hour initially which we may increase 2 hours if there is demand.
Saturday lesson at Newham leisure center, the center is not due to open until June 2021.
Lastly a big Thank you for the recent reviews posted on Facebook & Google.
April 2021 update
April 1st, 2021Firstly I would like to say Well Done to all of you that have been able to participate in the On-line Zoom session that Sensei Aaron has organised.
As the lockdown restrictions are about to be reduced.
We would like to welcome our younger students back into the Dojo as of Monday April 12 at The Given Wilson Institute. Please note due to the current Covid guidelines we will be able to hold lesson for under 17 year, NO adults inside at this time. Please use the bookings system due to the limitation on numbers in the location.
Monday @ Given Wilson institute Lessons Under 18 years of age only
- 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Beginners to Red Belt
- 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM Yellow to Purple Belt
- 7:45 PM – 8:45 PM Purple white and above
Saturday Lesson @ Given Wilson institute Under 18 years of age only
We have given permission to use Given Wilson Institute the until June, we have an 1 Hour lesson all grades. Please use the bookings system due to the limitation on numbers in the location.
Students 18 years and above Saturday lesson in the car park
The plan is to have a lesson in the Car park while at the same time as the under 17 lesson is taken place in the hall this will enable some of the parents to have a lesson if they wish to attend.
Wednesday Robert Clack
Classes will restart as 14th April, for under 18 years , I am hoping the location will allow a family bubble to be facilitated as there is the space available.
- We expect that as Monday 17th May adults will be officially permitted back in the Dojo in limited numbers.
- Our Friday Dojo is expected to re open in May date to be confirmed
- Newham Leisure Center location Saturday location
- Please be advised the that Newham leisure Center is not due to re open until June
Thank you for you continued support
April 2021 update
March 20th, 2021We would like to welcome our younger students back into the Dojo as of
Monday April 12 at Given Wilson Institute. Please note due to the current Covid guidelines we will be able to hold lesson for 17 years and below, no adults at this time. You can bookings Monday lesson only at this time.
Please note from Monday 17th May adults will be officially permitted back in the Dojo
Our Wednesday and Friday Dojo are still currently closed so we will advise on these locations specific re open dates as they become available.
Be advised that Newham Leisure Center is still closed to club bookings at this time.
Please update your calendars for our Summer Grading on July 31st and our Winter Grading on the 18th December
19th December 2020 KYU Grading Castle Green Leisure center Dagenham ELJKAC & SKC
December 19th, 2020Congratulations to everyone from both clubs that attended today’s socially distance Grading examination, thank you for your attendance, you all did very well considering the challenging year everyone has had, be you be a child , teen or adult.

Please note the feedback from Sensei Otha today that all students need to work on their core exercise in the new year,
We wish you and your families a good festive break please keep safe and well.
We hope to see you all back in the dojo early next year
Club Committee
December 2020 Grading
December 6th, 2020Grading Saturday 19th December
Examiner Sensei Otha Chief Instructor JKA England
Location :- CASTLE GREEN LEISURE CENTRE, Gale Street, Dagenham, ESSEX, RM9 4UN
Please note this will be a grading only there will NOT be a training session before.
Please arrive on time we have a 10 am start with the children will be first to be graded. Please remember Social distance at all time every one should have their face mask with them thank you.
There is a one way system in effect therefore participates will enter through hall door and exit via the hall fire exit.
Unfortunately due to the location restrictions we not allowed to have spectators in the hall on this occasion.
Return to Training
November 27th, 2020Face to face Karate Training will start back at Robert Clack Leisure Center on the 2nd of December and Given Wilson Center Saturday 5th & Monday 7th
Friday lesson will be added once the location confirms it will be reopening again.
Please use the booking site to book your places.
Congratulatory news
October 5th, 2020Sensei Aaron and Brian both attended the Reading October 2020 Qualification test administered by JKA England’s Ohta sensei, Ismail sensei, Stewart sensei, and D’Onofrio sensei.
Congratulation to Sensei Brian for passing JKA International Instructor D license and Sensei Aaron for passing JKA Referee & Judge International qualification.
Limited Edition Club Mugs
September 30th, 2020
Hello everyone,
To celebrate the clubs 10 year anniversary we have a run of limited edition mugs (logo on both sides) available.
kindly donated to the Club by our Chairman Sensei Carlos. all proceeds will go towards helping the club to pay it’s expenses.
The Club Mugs can be purchased from Sensei Brian and cost £7 for a single mug or £10 for two mugs.
Please Note Stock is extremely limited once they’re gone they’re gone!
Great for any occasion and excellent as a present to friends, family, colleagues.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Club Committee
October Lesson
September 30th, 2020Welcome Back October update
Monday Lesson class sizes have been reduced however we have 3 lesson as we will have 2 Instructors and 2 halls available. Please note these smaller class sizes will mean that the students will have a focused lesson.
Parents you can train in the same lesson as your children to help manage your time-table
Monday Lesson Given-Wilson Center all lesson 1 Hour Duration
- Session 1 Beginner to Red belt Starts 6 :30 PM
- Session 2 Yellow to Purple belt Starts 6 45 PM
- Session 3 Purple & white to Black belt 7:45 PM
- We Kindly ask new single beginner adults to book lesson 2 or 3 to allow parents to train with their Children in the first lesson.
Robert Clack Leisure Center Wednesday lesson 7-8 pm
- A single lesson for all grades which will be 55 mins
Friday 7- 8 PM Saint Thomas Church
- A single lesson for all grades which will be 55 mins to allow for enough time lesson time change around.
Saturday Morning lessons Currently at the @ Given_Wilson Center
All grades welcome at both Lesson start times 9:30 & 10:40
Please be advised that we have had communication from the Newham Leisure center booking team, so we hope to be back in Newham leisure at their earliest convenience.
Booking System
Review our New Booking system https://bookwhen.com/eastlondonjka
Step 1 Decide lesson you wish to take part in.
Step 2 Initiate payment example Paypal / online banking (Bank transfer payment) or Pay cash amount direct to Sensei.
Then Receive an email conformation of the booking
We are open
September 3rd, 2020As a result of the 2020 Covid 19 pandemic, the club has to implement an online booking system to meet the requirements of our training locations. A mandatory requirement has been a reduction in the Monday Lesson class sizes, as a result we have increased our available lesson from 2 to 3 lesson per evening by splitting our available booking time. A Benefit of these changes means that each group will have a focused lesson.
Parents can train in the same lesson as your children to help manage your time table
Monday Lesson Given-Wilson Center with 40 mins duration and currently maximum of 12 Students
- Session 1 Orange to Red belt 40 min starts
- Session 2 Yellow to Purple belt 40 mins starts
- Session 3 Purple & white to Black belt 40 mins starts
Please note we will have a beginners only lesson on Mondays 6:45 PM
Robert Clack Leisure Center Wednesday lesson 7-8 pm
- A single lesson for all grades which will be 55 mins to allow for enough time lesson time change around.
Friday 7- 8 PM Saint Thomas Church
- A single lesson for all grades which will be 55 mins to allow for enough time lesson time change around.
Saturday lessons @ Given_Wilson Center
All grades welcome at both Lesson start times 9:30 & 10 :40
Booking System
Review our New Booking system https://bookwhen.com/eastlondonjka
Step 1 Decide lesson Plan
Step 2 Initiate payment example Paypal / online banking (Bank transfer payment) or Pay cash amount direct to Sensei .
Lesson Availability
August 5th, 2020Dear all
Lesson availability for the Month of AUGUST 2020

Monday Given Wilson Center 10th/17tn/24th 40mins sessions- Please note there will be days when we can offer a 2nd session, if we have an additional instructor available.
Remember the earlier you let us know that you are coming the better your chance of getting a space.
Session 1 Beginners to Red belt 40 min starts 6.30pm and 6.45pm (2nd Instructor)
The First lesson is for Children only the only exception will be if parents want to train with their children Class size 10 Students
Session 2 Yellow belt to Purple belt 40 mins starts 7.30pm and 7.45pm (2nd Instructor)
Session 3 Purple & white to Black belt 40 mins starts 8.10pm
There will be 2 instructors available on the 17th and 24th sessions so we can use both halls and have more students
Wednesday Session Robert Clack Leisure Center 12th, 19th, 26th AUGUST
Starts 7pm 50min session (all grades)
Friday Session Robert Clack Leisure Center session 15th, 22nd & 29th AUGUST
Starts 7pm 50min session (all grades)
For Wednesday & Friday session there is more floor space available, so lessons will allow more students
Temporary Saturday location @ Given Wilson Institute for the month of August two session 9:30 and 10 :35 start times any grade can attend either lesson.
Please use the new booking system https://bookwhen.com/eastlondonjka
Automatic discounts will be applied if a person books 2, 4 or 8 lesson within a 30 day period. Discount code available if you want to do a double lesson on a Monday contact Sensei Brian .
New policy is first come first served, there is a waiting list for a places.
Please be patient with us as we are trying our best to get the Club running again and get back to running lessons regularly.
At this time we have yet to be notified of the reopening of Newham Leisure Centre (Saturday classes) we will continue outside for now while we have the weather.
We will let you know of the lesson availability on a monthly basis to help everyone plan accordingly, we urge you to keep looking at the Club website Club facebook page and WhatsApp notices.
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Club Committee
August 2020
Return to Dojo
August 3rd, 2020Dear all
We are looking to Reopening the Monday & Wednesday Dojo shortly, with this in mind we are going to ask you to do a number of things ie Risk assessment weekly yourself to make sure you are healthy, maintain your social distance whilst in the Dojo etc (we will let you know exactly how to do this in a statement later on)
It should be noted that a number of other JKA clubs will not open in the short term, so we have to thank the opportunity the Given-Wilson Institute & Robert Clack Leisure has provided us.
As some of you are aware, we have been working very hard to get the Club up an running again, we have had Sensei Aaron providing the Zoom Lessons, JKAE has advertised all its lessons and everyone has been given details as to how to access them. However all this is coming to an end as we are slowly returning to some normality.
Sensei Brian has been teaching Saturdays and Sundays since the 27th of June, however this has been done on the premises car park facilities and whist it is sufficient for our needs for the short term, we need to get back to the Dojo ASAP.
Please bear in mind that the new rules will mean smaller classes per week with potentially less venues available for us to use. We have set up a new booking system that will enable everyone to book up to month in advance, we also have in place a waiting list, so if you do not get on a class but you would like to, then please use the waiting list option.
Please keep an eye on the Website there will new pages providing location specific detail and Club Facebook page for the confirmation of our first lesson dates.
Going forward we will have a variety of payment options available to the club members, we look for all club members to support the club going forward to enable the Club to keep running.
We appreciate not every one could previously take part in the training options so an Email to info@eastlondonjka or WhatsApp msg of intention to return to training would be appreciated.
Club Committee
July 2020
Covid 19 update
July 28th, 2020Dear Parents / Guardians
We are working hard to enable the club to train inside ASAP however there will be changes to processes and we will post new guidelines shortly.
Further to our post on the 27th June outside Karate Training at the Given Wilson Institute Car Park where we have had outside training session on Saturday and Sunday.
This weekend session 1st & 2nd August will go ahead as per normal weather permitting. If you wish to take please contact Sensei Brian to arrange a slot for 11 :45 session for either Saturday or Sunday.
Thank you
June 21st, 2020Hello Parents/ Guardians students
Further to our post on the 8th June, outside Karate Training at the Given Wilson Institute Car Park
Weather permitting Saturday and Sunday mornings Staring 27 June until further notice
These time are approximate due to potential changes in the weather.
It would be most helpful if students were to keep to the same day and time each week to allow for continuity of training.
Day | Time | Availability | |
Lesson 1 | Saturday 27th June | 10 am | Full |
Lesson 2 | Saturday 27th June | 11.45 -12.45 | Limited space |
Lesson 1 | Sunday 28th June | 10 am | Full |
Lesson 2 | Sunday 28th June | 11.45 – 12.45 | Limited space |
Lesson 1 | Saturday 4th July | 10 am | Full |
Lesson 2 | Saturday 4th July | 11.45 -12.45 | Limited space |
Lesson 1 | Sunday 5th July | 10 am | Full |
Lesson 2 | Sunday 5th July | 11.45- 12.45 | Limited Space |
If you wish to take part in a Saturday or Sunday lesson weather permitting in the coming weeks please email Sensei Brian at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment.
All places must be booked in advance via email [email protected]
Outside Training Opportunity
June 8th, 2020Hello Parents/ Guardians students,
Outside training opportunity for a Max of 5 people in the Car park at Given Wilson location weather permitting.
We have the use of the location facilities required .
Lesson duration 50 mins which will allow the 10 min in turn around time for parents to drive out of the car park before the next group drive into the car park.
Therefore please do not arrive until 5 mins before the Session starts
Clothing for an outdoor lesson please wear old trainers and casual wear this will be fine.
Lesson cost will be the same, Name on an envelope with cash inside would be best
Please email me at [email protected] with grade belt colour (to remind me in my old age) if you would like to book a place, please Identify which date and time and the number of places you would prefer
Government Guidance
Classes will focus on Kata and basis (NO Kumite at this time)
Grade | Class date and time | Students |
Beginners Orange | ||
Yellow / Green | ||
Purple belts | ||
Brown / black belts |
New JKA England Membership Information
June 2nd, 2020Dear all
Please be advised that JKA England have implemented a new membership system which is administered by company LoveAdmin
You may have already received an Email from LoveAdmin, please check your junk mail, just in case you do not see it.
Benefits of the new system
Students will be able to access their details and update them when necessary; make their own renewals and applications for licenses. License slips will be available to either download to their phone or print off as a hard copy. ALL students should print off and keep in their license books for gradings etc.
Renewal reminders will be sent automatically to the students prior to expiry. This only applies to Students whose licences expired after 1st September 2019.
Renewals can be set up by the student / parent to renew automatically if that is their wish. Most families have been linked to each other for easier management by the students.
If your licence expired pre 1st June 2020 and wish to renew, then contact [email protected] – so that they can send an appropriate request to get you into the system.
Chief Instructor
On-line teaching
April 13th, 2020HIGH IMPORTANCE
Great initiative by Sensei Aaron and Sensei Brian please support and participate
Mondays 6pm ( please check facebook account / wassap group )
Sensei Aaron will be delivering a Basic class which all student can attend Space permitting.
You will need to make sure you have sufficient space to practice at least 2 square metres and ensure you are practicing on a non slip floor
You will need to warm up yourself before the class begins as our class time is limited, included a warm up video link here: https://youtu.be/5g7iLz_vUCk
Your license must be up to date!
JKA England are not sending out new licenses right now but they are still processing them, so even though you won’t get your new slip you must still renew your license if it’s out of date!
Zoom Online connection details are posted to our Whats app group
Please contact sensei Brian 07896 565 421 if you are not on Club wassap group
Have Fun
Club Committee
10 Year Club Anniversary
April 2nd, 2020Congratulations everyone Our Club is now officially 10 Years old !!!!!!
Started in April 2010 the journey into full maturity as a Club has taken a lot of hard work and commitment over the last 10 years, looking into the future we will bounce back from our current predicament that affects us all, good planning will see the that the Club will be around for many more years.
As most of you know, Sensei Bastidas established East London JKA Karate Club with the intention of channeling resources, experience and passion into creating opportunities for students to join and develop themselves in traditional Shotokan Karate with JKA England.
Early on with the help of the Club Committee, it was decided to work and identify certain attributes to have a successful Club.
Passion to help the local community by providing a non profit orientated organization, whose solely purpose would be to provide good karate at affordable prices to everyone, children and adults alike.
Passion for excellence with good professional instruction from aptly qualified JKAE Instructors. This level of coaching set the foundations for the development of a successful Club Squad from our pool of students, developing and encouraging talent being one of the key elements in order to have an above average Club.
This level of professional Instruction combined with the excellent facilities has inevitably helped in becoming successful as a Club.
The results – In 2012 the council awarded us with the Club Borough Mark followed by a prestigious Club of the year award in 2013 by JKAE and a further Club 50 award 2016
Our Club Squad has been very successful at Inter-Club level, Regional Level and National Level, we also have students that are members of the National JKAE squad.
The Club has also developed and encouraged 5 fully qualified instructors most of whom are currently teaching or have have moved on to different posts with other Clubs.
None of this would have been possible without the people and our team effort in what we do. The size and skills in the team have evolved over time, and each person has played their part in helping the Club achieve the successes its enjoyed over the past 10 years.
Whilst the most important aspect for us has been the impact on students and the local communities, it has also been about having a good Club that everyone cherishes.
We will build on existing and develop new strategies for the future., we look forward to serving you further in the coming years.
Our thanks for your continued support and understanding during this current crisis.
Chief Instructor
East London JKA
JKA England Home Training Group
April 2nd, 2020Please join the new training group set up on facebook by JKA England.
JKA England Home Training Group
A private group set up for JKA England members to train from home under the instruction of our Chief Instructor, Sensei Ohta, during the COVID-19 self isolation emergency.
You must be a member of JKA England and be up to date with membership.
The first two sessions have been great we are encouraging all our students to train with Ohta sensei via Zoom link, we also would like to see a photograph of you training, send to [email protected]
Sessions Wednesdays 5pm to 6pm however do check for times as they may change.
Club Committee
East London JKA
March 20th, 2020Dear all
It is with a heavy heart and with your well being in mind, we have taken the step of closing down all our dojos until it is safe for us to reopen them again.
All of our places of training have now been closed due to the virus.
The uncertainty that coronavirus has brought is a concern for all of us, we want to reassure you that we are doing all we can to support and your safety is our top priority.
For those of you with symptoms remember to self isolate for a minimum of 7 days or 14 days if you are self isolating with your household.
We hope these preventative measures help us through these difficult times please take care of yourselves and others and ask for support if needed.
Do please try to train at home , attached a link to JKA videos https://www.facebook.com/news.jka/
For latest updates please keep looking at facebook page and wassap group
Club Committee
March 7th, 2020East London JKA Karate Club
Coved19 Coronavirus UK March 2020
Dear Parents and Students,
We are sure you are all fully aware of the current health concerns around the Covid19 Coronavirus in the UK.
With this situation developing, the karate club has taken the decision to help to protect students/Instructors and associated family members health and safety, by issuing the following new club rules:
Any students or accompanying family members, that have recently developed a cough or cold or fever, should not attend class until the illness has past.
All students will be required to wash their hands before class begins, (all of our current venues have hand washing and drying facilities in the toilets).
If any students require the use of a tissue to blow their nose, or wipe sweat from their face, will be required to dispose of the tissue and wash their hands before continuing with the class.
All students must endeavour not to touch each others faces, and not to touch or rub their own eyes/face, unless using a tissue or the sleeve of the Gi. Then they should wash and dry their hands before continuing with the class.
When you have finished training wash your hands and dry thoroughly as advised by the NHS. If youhave the availability of sanitiser gels/wipes, please use them if you wish, please bring a supply of disposable tissues for your own use.
Your Equipment
Gum-shields:- Ensure you the rinse your gum shield throughly after use.
Mitts: Wash your Mitts after use, you can also use anti-bacterial wipes to give them a good
With these new rules in place, we are following the best official advice currently available to protect all our club members and their families and friends, while keeping the club open for all those who wish to keep to life as normal as pos sible during this troubling time.
All our Club Dojos will remain open, unless the venue hosting the club is forced to close…..should this happen students will all be advised, Club websites/Facebook and WhatsApp groups will immediately be updated. #
We hope this will not happen, but be assured that if it does the club will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.
We hope these measures will reassure all our students, Instructors and their families, that we are doing all we can to assist health and safety, and that everyone will endeavour to support each other and the club by following these simple but effective rules.
Once again, It should be noted that all of our venues have facilities for all student to wash and dry their hands.
For up to date information about Covid 19, follow the links below;
http://111.nhs.uk latest information and advice about the virus, and what to do if you
think you may have it.
https://www.gov.uk latest information and advice about the current situation, numbers,
risk level, recent government actions etc.,
As always we wish all of our students, families and friends well, and hope that you will all stay well, and continue to enjoy your Karate training.
We appreciate your support and understanding at this time.
Club Committee
East London JKA Karate Club
Club 50 Award
June 26th, 2016We are delighted to report that the Club has been awarded Club 50 Award for consistently having 50 -100 students regularly training and with in date JKA licences.. We received our award at this weekend National Competition 2016.
As a Chief Instructor I am incredibly humbled by our Club’s success, I can hand in heart say that we have far exceeded all my predictions and aspirations, we have an amazing team of Instructors who help out on a weekly basis but most importantly we have loyal students and parents and friends who make the Club what it is, a family orientated and great place to learn discipline and values that will enhance your daily life.
Thank you all for this wonderful gift to the Club and be proud as the award is also part of you..
Chief Instructor
Students query
March 3rd, 2016Hello Students We have had several of you asking for our help with the Duke of Edingburgh award..Yes we can help you by signing your booklet and giving you a letter of support there’s bronze silver and gold awards ,, additionally there is also the scouts Martial arts badge that you can go for ..
DofE Awards start at year 9 13 years old…
Fantastic News
September 3rd, 2013Dear all
It is with with great pleasure that we announce that our Club was the recipient of a very special award from JKA England.
We have always strived to do our best for the Club and all the students, it is incredible that we have been rewarded for all our efforts these past years,the award signifies a personal journey for all of us, maturity as a Club and an incredible base of students volunteers and Instructors, without whom the Club could not function..
Our thanks to all of you for your understanding and incredible support these past years..
Club of the Year Award 2013 for East London JKA Karate Club presented to our Chief Instuctor Carlos Bastidas by Ohta Sensei Chief Instructor and Head of Association JKA England at the recent weekend course in Crawley..
Club Committee